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The beginning

Hey there! I've never done anything like this before but thought it would be a good place to share our journey with others and write down my feelings and struggles as I can get overwhelmed sometimes at trying to do the best for Immy but feeling like I'm not getting anywhere.  I'm also hoping this can help other families who may be going through the same thing. Here's the background of our story, when Imogen was very little she always had a snuffly nose and used to power chuck quite regularly (sometimes I'd have to have a full outfit change 3 times a day). I was quite limited dairy as it was due to Lily having an intolerance but I didn't realise Immy was reacting to it. Anyway fast forward a few months and I decided I'd try her on some goats formula (I have since found out that goats milk has a lot of the same proteins as cows milk so not necessarily any better) so that I could have a back up milk option incase I had to leave her. As soon as the milk touch

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